As a child we had a German Boxer in our family. Thereafter British Bulldogs came in our house and as a teenager this was a big part of my life. We showed our dogs and we bred under the prefix “Blighty’s”.
Pugs came in the family as well.
In 1988 I passed the examines to be a judge for the British and French Bulldogs. Other breeds had my attention as well with a special feeling for the Molossian breeds. I have been for more than 10 years a judge for FCI group 2. I am also qualified to judge the small Molossian breeds in group 9 and the bull-breeds in group 3.
I have been president for the English Bulldog Club in the Netherlands, as well as for the French Bulldog Club. I am the honourable president of the French Bulldog club in the Netherlands.
I am proud to have organized The Centennial Show of the French Bulldog Club (Hollandse Bulldog Club) in 2007 with over 400 Frenchies entered!
I have been judging at world dog shows for French and English Bulldogs and at several breed speciality shows in many continents in the world
I always owned an English Bulldog and approximately 15 years ago a Bullmastiff came in my house. At the moment we are having as part of my family a Bullmastiff male.
I am looking very much forward to judge in Tallinn.